Audio Test – Leather and meat without killing animals

Recently, bioprinting is arousing its interest among people. In this lecture, bioprinting means the construction of a biological structure by computer-aided, automatic, layer-by-layer deposition, transfer, and patterning of small amounts of biological material. Since many people are not used to manipulating bioprinting, they might think it is unsafe. In my opinion, I totally agree to get a meat or leather by using biofabrication. There are two reasons I agree to use biofabrication. First reason is that bioprinting is deeply related to improve air pollution. Secondly, capitalizing biofabrication contributes to raise animals’ right to live.


To begin with, raising livestock makes tremendous amount of gas that give adverse effect on the environment. The article <Do Cow Farts Really Significantly Contribute to Global Warming?>[1] says that methane gas is twenty one times more potent at trapping heat from the Sun than carbon dioxide. Also, this article claims that livestock, especially cattle make tremendous amount of methane gas and the emission rate of the methane gas is annually increasing since a demand of a meat is in a phase of increment.


Secondly, an animal right can be protected by utilizing biofabrication. Livestock are raised only to accomplish a goal which to provide abundant amount of meat to people. They rise in a confined cage, eat unnatural feed, produce Young, and killed to provide people as a meat. Some people might say it is a natural thing; however, in my thought, animals have its own emotion, they have a right to protected. If Andras’s project goes further, there is no reason to kill animals just to get a meat or leather.


To summarize my opinion, adopting biofabrication helps to improve pollution and to protect animals’ right to live. Therefore, I suggest that bioprinting project should be continued.

[1] <Do Cow Farts Really Significantly Contribute to Global Warming?>, Matt Blitz ,, April 11, 2014

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