Scientists say they’ve figured out how to remove fears from the brain

Scientists argue that they find a way to remove traumas and phobias from the brain. Now, in most treatments for traumas, phobias and PTSD, drugs or aversion therapy. But researchers say their technique which is called neurofeedback or DecNef is able to remove traumas and specific fears from the brain. This uses brain scanning and artificial intelligence.Firstly, implant a fear memory in brain under a specific condition. After that, change the memory into good memory under the same condition. By this operation, the fear memory is overwritten, and traumas or phobias are removed from the brain, researchers beleive.

I think that removing bad memories from the brain is not necessarily good. There are two reasons. Firstly, we can grow larger as a human being by an existence of bad memories. I have experienced various hard things in my life. So, I have a lot of bad memories. But I could be stronger and learn a lot of things as often as I experienced hard things. Secondly, I think that this technique has a dangerous side. Indeed, removing bad memories from the brain is effective in reducing the pain of people who have traumas, phobias and specific fears. But this technique can be used for other purpose. For example, if it is used for operations of people’s thought, the user of it can exclude people who don’t agree the user’s opinion and make autocratic nation easily. Abuses of this technique may cause unhappiness of a lot of people. Thus, I think that removing bad memories from the brain is not necessarily good.

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