Presidental Debate “Achieving Prosperity”


This arricle is  written about debate of Hillary Clinton and Mr.Trump. Clinton said that “I want us to invest in you. I want us to invest in your future.” This means that she pays attention to small bisiness of the United States, and starts raising the national minimum wage and also guarantee. Meanwhile Trump said that “Companies will come. They will build. They will expand. New companies will start.” This means that he thinks to stop companies of United States from leaving his country and, with it, firing all of their people. In short, Hillary Clinton is calling for a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans.  Mr.Trump is calling for tax cuts for the wealthy.


I stand by Hillary Clinton. I think that her election pledge is similar to Japan politics in that she thinks to spend the budget on infrastructure, renewable energy, the welfare system, and so on. People are unwilling to change the condition drastically because we are afraid of getting worse the present state of our life. But, Mr. Trump tries to change the United States drastically. For example, he said that “We have to stop our jobs from being stolen from us.” He tries to stop companies of the United States going out the other countries through reducing taxes tremendously, then the economy cycles in the United States. If so, the future of the world’s economy will be overshadowed. Of course, Japan will be also influenced by the turn of that. That is why I stood by Hillary Clinton. If there are any problems, the thing that she is a lady. Lady isn’t yet inaugurated Madamme president. But now she is uncovered a scandal. After that I don’t know what will happen.


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