The Shortage of Donation in China

 Doctors in southern China have successfully transplanted part of pig’s eye on to a 14-year-old boy to help save his sight. The boy lost the sight in his right eye after he was injured by a firecracker. The cornea transplant surgery was carried out by a medical team from Zhongshan and the boy was able to see a week after the procedure. On the other hand, there is a shortage of human corneas available for transplant in China because demand far exceeds the number donated. A professor Yuan Jin was quoted as saying that the method of transplant means about one-third to half of five billion patients suffering from corneal blindness in China could be help.

 The question of China is how to increase the number of donation. By the way, I knew some interesting words in English class in May 31. That is “opt-in” and “opt-out”. The term “opt-out” refers to several methods by which individuals can avoid receiving unsolicited product or service information. In “opt-out” system, you have to express your will to refuse if you don’t want to donate your organ. So you can expect that you can get much more donation. This system must be fascinating for people who need donation. However, we have to think about it carefully because there are some people who cannot express their will by themselves. If China hope to adopt “opt-out” system, people in China have to find the way to solve this problem.


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