What made a Chinese teen stow away to Dubai??


A Chinese 16-year-old boy was found in the cargo of the flight EK303 on the way to Dubai from Shanghai on May 27th. He said he had heard that the beggars in Dubai make 470,000 yuan a month. So the boy was planning to become a beggar in Dubai. China Daily report said non-United Arab Emirates citizens were making fortune begging, some making 270,000 dirhams. But these ambiguous informations are just some lucky case. Rumors about Dubai is widely spreading all over the world through mainly on twitter.


I think the most terrifying part of this article is not about boy hiding in cargo to become beggar in Dubai or how much money beggars in Dubai make a month, but about how strong SNS affects children. They easily believe everything gotten from SNS, and don’t even think about it. It is very terrifying that many children believe all the information from SNS and they forget how to think, research, and doubt the information. Parents should not allow their children get on SNS until they become old enough to understand how untrustworthy SNS is.

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