Business leaders plead against hard Brexit

Today’s our topic was about Brexit.Brexit means the UK’s leaving from EU.especially,we talked about hard and soft Brexit.Hard Brexit means that the UK will leave the EU without any negotiation and soft one means leaving with negotiation.Hard one can make the UK’s economy more serious. The reason the UK’s government prefer hard Brexit is that the UK can’t accept refugees or immigrants any more.The basic notion of the EU is free moving of people,staffs and money.So it’s really hard just to use the EU market and not to accept people outside.
I think the best way for this problem is different depending on which field you focus on.In terms of politics,the hard Brexit make the UK free from refugees and immigrants.but if you focus on economy the hard Brexit can make the UK’s economy worse because of losing the market of EU which occupied the big part of the UK’s benefit.I,for one,the damage which is caused by Brexit is more serious than that caused by refugees.

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