Brexit may bring many confusion

EHIC, the European Health Insurance Card, has been a familiar system for British people travelling on the continent. It provides British people a reliable medical treatment in their temporary stay in EEA countries plus Switzerland. However, EHIC would be difficult to exist if there’s a Brexit. Whether EHIC remains or not depends on whether UK keeps its bond with EEA. Gemma Sonfield says the UK’s issue on deciding Brexit is about immigration and bordercontrol, which EEA allows, so the UK may follow the Swiss model, that are neither in EU nor EEA but adopting EHIC.

A few days ago, UK decided to withdraw from EU. This decition will go down in history, certainly. I think this is historic and this event must have an influence on many countries. Not only it but also the problem in UK is so serious, you know. Now I have heard an insistence that Scotland should withdraw from the UK to be left in the EU. If this insistence is realized, it must create big confusion. I think the countries have to help each other if the other country is on the verge of a crisis for example the financial problem of Greek. The person must be same and equal completely and help each other(Damon also said this in class). These days, refugee’s problem is also getting intensified at Europe. Now all countries should unite and confront a problem.

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