Italian schoolgirl unearths woolly mammoth bone.


A seven years old girl has found part of a woolly mammoth’s leg bone on a riverbank in northern Italy. The girl’s name is Emma Persico and his father is a paleontologist. One day, she stumbled upon the fossilized chunk of tibia while walking along the River Po near the northern city of Cremona. However, her father didn’t notice it when he saw it firstly. There are mammoths in the region at least 12,000years ago. So, mammoth’s bone is rare. Now, the bone is in a local museum, and will be put on display alongside a plaque with Emma’s name on it.



Seeing the article, I feel two things. Firstly, I think that the girl is very lucky. If her father were not a paleontologist, people would notice the mammoth’s bone rare. She maybe have a sense of fossil discovery, affected by her father. Secondly, I remember the news which I heard several years ago. It is the news that a boy found a new variety of dinosaur’s bone in Fukui prefecture of Japan. He was interested in dinosaur before finding dinosaur’s bone. His dream is a paleontologist. So, I expect that she become a paleontologist, too. I think she will become a good paleontologist.

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