
The World Bank is trying to put together a package of financial assistance for countries hosting refugees from Syria. Lebanon and Jordan have a substantial financial burden of hosting refugees  because  they are much smaller economies. Actually, in Lebanon  the number is equivalent to 30% of the population and in Jordan the figure is 20%. Millions of refugees are now in countries burdening Syria. So, the World Bank would make loans to Jordan and Lebanon, with aid donor covering at least of the interest cost. By hosting the refugees the countries concerned are providing what World Bank economist called a “global public good”.



I wondered why the World Bank help financially with interest cost. Surely this action is a one of the action of Bank, but I think that the World Bank or United Nations should subsidize for helping Lebanon and Jordan economically. In this case, the World Bank will be reimbursed from Lebanon and Jordan. So, these countries must reimburse with interest cost. In the future, reimbursement become economical burden. This way is not solution, but it is temporary reduction of financial burden caused by hosting refugees. I think that United Nation should consider the solution of conflict in Syria. This is only way to solve this refugees problems. Refugees problem is very complicated and difficult. I hope solve these problem quickly.

Leather and meat without killing animals

Firstly, I am so surprised at progress of bio-technology. We can made leather, meat, and most of the part of body from only one sell. I think that progress of bio-technology is necessary for our future.

However, we have to think about how to use bio-technology. Surely, the, speaker said in this video, there is not resistance using leather what made from biofabrication, but food is not same. It is because food is regarded as important where and how it is made. For example, some people particular domestic food in Japan. In this way, food has many factor to evaluate.

Then this speaker said that animal to provide our meat are a factor in global warming, but we have to effort another way and if we eat meat made by biofabrication, we can not prevent global warming directly. Most of cause in global warming is industrial activity by human beings. Animals have no responsibility.

Moreover the speaker said that we need to move past just killing animals as a resource to something more civilized and evolved. I want to ask this speaker, if we generally eat meat or wear clothes made by biofabrication, how do we get decrease livestock? I think that many livestock animals are killed because they lost their value as meat, so they become to consume baits and place for breeders. His argument is contradict.

Lastly, I said the bad point of biofabrication using as foods, I expect medical aspect. This technology can save many intractable disease patients. The speaker said that we success to grow sophisticated body parts, like ears, windpipes, skin, blood vessels and bone, and we have been successfully implanted into patients. If this technology generally become spread, people who wait donor to provide body tissues or organ get decrease. Moreover, this way can get decrease patients mental, physical, and economical burden. Specifically, they use the tissues or organ from their own sells, they prevent rejection depend on transplant, and we cost lower.

I strongly believe that biofabrication technology is not appropriate to use food, but it is very good way to solve the medical problem.

The Supreme Court in Honduras has ordered the arrest of the vice-president of congress


Ms.Gutierrez and member of her family are accused of defrauding the country’s health care system. Ms. Gutierrez, who is member of the governing National Party, has denied any wrongdoing.

The head of the Supreme Court said he had ordered the arrest of Ms. Gutierrez and more than a dozen other people, including her father and two of her brother, allegedly linked to the scandal. He said he wanted to prevent them from leaving the country.

Ms. Gutierrez and her father and two brothers are suspected of having links to a company which allegedly embezzled the state by selling it poor quality medicine at inflat prices.

Tens of thousands Hondurans have protested weekly against corruption with many calling for the resignation of President Juan Orlando Hernadez.


I think Ms. Gutierrez and her family should not allow because they embezzling the state by selling it poor quality medicine at inflate prices using their position, vice-president , and authority.  I want to support the decision of the Supreme Court.

By the way, I think that this article have 1 controversial point. Whether the president, Juan Orlando Hernadez should take responsibility,  like resignation, or not. This topic is very difficult and complicated. I think that the president should resign the post of president because he has responsibility to appoint vice-president. Surely, if one of ministers or politicians make corruption, he might not have to take responsibility. However, vice-president is most  reliable for him and very important position to support his job. Of course, the nations believe them and  entrust the politics, but they lose the reliance because of betrayal. For these resin, I think that president should resign this position. In Japan, there are many doubt if corruption like this article. I feel that it may be related for us.

Turks vote in key election as Erdogan seeks big majority

<summary >

Turkey has voted in a general election which will determine whether the ruling party can change the constitution.

President Recep Tayyip Erdorgan, who first came to power as prime minister in 2003,  is seeking a big enough majority to turn Turkey into a presidential republic.

Explosions at its election rally in Diyarbakir on Friday killed four people,  the blasts were caused by improvised bombs.

HDP co-chairman said that Mr.Endrogan’s response to this killing.

Moreover, it is said that this election campaigning process was not a fair and equal race.

The result may have ramifications beyond Turkey’s borders. Turkey is a vital NATO member in a volatile Middle East and rare mix of Islam and democracy.


This problem is very difficult , I think. Surely, I can understand Mr.Erdogan’s policy or Opinion, but he may cause the conflict or confusion. It is because Turkey has unique culture.

Turkey is a very complicated country.  It is located between Europe and Asia(Middle East), so it mixed both of cultures and many races lived in same place. Therefore, I think Turkey’s politics is too difficult, so big change may cause the big confusion.

In this case,  many people , especially minorities, like Kurdish, may have big dissatisfaction. Moreover, Mr. Erdogan may become dictator.Now, it is said that he is an authoritarian.

Turkey keeps peace to separate religion and politics. The power is equal. However, if president have more power, it has possibility to break this  relationship between religion and politics.

I hope it keeps democracy in Turkey.

Obama to take Cuba off US terror list


President Barack Obama will remove Cuba from the US list of state sponsors of terrorism. The move comes amid a normalization of relations between the US and Cuba.Basque

Obama announced the historic US thaw with Cuba in Desember but the trade embargo against the country remains and may only be ended by Congress.

White house think that US still had differences with Cuban policies and action, but they were not relevant to the terrorism.

<my opinion>

In my opinion , it is very important relationship of neighbor country. Recently, in this international society, we have to communicate and cooperate others country especially,  neighbor  country.  Cuba and US have urgent accept2 histories like Cuba Crisis.

these sitiation apply to relationship between Japan and Korea or China. However, they didn’t accept their hostory or value. I hope that relationship between Japan and other Asia country especially China and Korea improve more friendly like US and Cuba.