Watching TV and Live-tweeting

Do you often tweet about TV program while you’re watching it? People often say that it’s not good to watch and do something at the same time. But the report of Media Technology Monitor in Canada says that 90 per cent of millennials go online and watch TV at the same time. The people who focus on this social phenomenon are TV productions, especially TV producers of the programs which might not have a lot of viewers. Why? Because watching TV and live-tweeting can engage with fans and get more people watching. This way will get more attention.

I also have twitter account, but I usually post about baseball games while I’m watching it. When my favorite team gets score, I’m excited and post “Yattaze!” This is a way of expressing my happiness. So I understand the aim of TV producers.

However, there may be some followers who are not interested in tweeting about the TV programs because they are not watching it. We should recognize it.


Newfound Venus-Like Planet GJ 1132b May Have an Atmosphere

Astronomer of the Harverd-Smithonian Centerfor Astrophisics found very interesting exoplanet, called GJ 1132b. It may have a Venus-like atmosphere, but it is very similar to Earth in several points. GJ 1132b is only 16 percent larger than the Earth and has a mass 60 percent greater. And it is also indicated that it has a rocky composition similar to Earth and Earth-like force of gravity.
It is also so close to the Earth that we could study the atmosphere in detail with the Hubble Space Telescope. Because of these features, astronomers pay much attention to this interesting exoplanet.

Space is so mysterious. Space is so wonderful. I had heard that there might be human-like lives somewhere in space. I was very skeptical when I heard that. But this article made me excited. It is regret that it may have a Venus-like atmosphere. The atmosphere of the Venus is composed of much CO₂. So lives can’t be live on the Venus, and, needless to say, GJ 1132b.
But I’m wondering that astronomers found the Earth-like exoplanet and lives someday.

Obama does not think Trump will ‘end up being president’

Do you know when the next American presidential election is? The answer is next November. At present, 23 people run for a presidential election of 2016 in the USA. And Donald Trump is one of them.
First of all, we must understand President Barack Obama. He belongs to the Democratic Party, and he is right of center in his opinions. Obama said, ‘I don’t think Trump won’t end up being president of the United States.’ Why does Obama think that?
Trump is famous for his extremism. He disregards the rights of women, or he opposes the illegal immigration. He had promised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border and to deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States.
But Republican primary voters have genuine anti-immigrant sentiment in the large portion. So it is natural that Trump had received a lot of attention in the campaign’s early stages.
I think the USA carry out the role of leader of global problems, such as immigration or improvement of women’s rights. So the president of the United States must not disregard them. It took so much long time for women to attain their rights. So we should respect them.
A person who can respect the fundamental human rights and who has willingness to solve the international problems is suited for the president of the United States.

meat and leather without killing animals

Today, we face serious and ethical problems about animals. If we want to eat hamburgers or buy a new handbags, someone must kill living animals. If I kill someone, I would be arrested by police. So why are we allowed to kill animals?
To solve this problems, Andres Forgacs suggests that we should innovate the technic which is called “biofabrication.” Biofabrication is where cells themselves can be used to grow biological products like tissues and organs.
He mentions some merits of biofabrication. First, biofabrication can be a humane, sustainable and scalable new industry. Second, the products of biofabrication are real, genuine without the animal sacrifice. Third, we can tune those products for other desirable qualities. So he emphasizes that biofabrication is a natural evolution of manufacturing for mankind and we can design new materials, new products, and new facilities.
I can agree with the idea because I don’t want to kill cows or rams if I’m a stockbreeder.
But I worry about some points. First, biofabrication may be expensive. Today, rich countries such as the US, Japan, EU or China eat many meats or buy leather. Those countries can innovate biofabrication. But poor regions such as Africa or South-America can’t do. Some people in Africa or South-America raise domestic animals. When they want to earn money, they have to kill them. To solve this problem, rich countries need to support poor countries financially.
Second, there are so many stock farmers in the world. So if we innovate biofabrication, how can they make their living? I understand that biofabrication will be innovated step by step, but the share of farmers’ will get fewer. To prevent stock farmers from losing their job or money, governments should support them financially.
I agree with the idea of biofabrication because I always become sad when I hear the news of killing precious animals, such as tigers or elephants. I hope that we will overcome some problems and many animals or people live together peacefully.

Central American migrants escape Mexico kidnapping

In Mexico, there is a serious problem about migrants. So many migrants from other countries in Central America are abducted and held by gangs.
There are so many migrants who travel through Mexico on the way to the US every year. But many of them had been held by gangs. Why did such a terrible case happen? In Mexico, kidnappings by gang are common, and they abduct migrants and force them to join their ranks. Many are forcibly recruited into gangs. Others are held until their families pay for their release.
So many migrants were held by gangs and we don’t know how many migrants were held. In addition, it is surprising that at least 37 migrants were arrested by mistake. According to report, some police thought they were a part of the gang who had kidnapped them.
But none of the member of gangs have been caught.

I have heard that it is so dangerous in South and Central America because there are many guns and gangs. Many travelers are targeted by them because they have much money and expensive luxuries. So I could not understand why gangs attacked migrants who are usually poor. I think gangs want to be bigger and bigger. Mexican government and police should restrict their activities and guns so that people in other Central American countries can rely on Mexico. And Mexican government should cooperate with US so that migrants or Mexican people can go through Mexico to get money. This activities may lead Mexico to their prosperity.

Spain to vote in regional and municipal elections

Spain to vote in regional and municipal elections
This article is about the battle between the new party and traditional party in Spain. There used to be two major party in Spain. But these days, Spain is suffering from economic crisis and a series of corruption scandals. As a result, opinion poll suggested that the ruling Popular Party (PP) and the leading opposition, the Socialists (PSOE) Party should both be punished by voters.
So newer party such as Ciudadanos and the anti-austerity party Podemos began to get more seats in regional election. Two traditional party are afraid of their pro-business agenda. Each party’s sphere of influence may be changing on a large scale.

After the economic crisis, which is called “Global Financial Crisis” in 2009, Japan was so suffering from recession and increasing of unemployment rate. So voters in Japan became more and more confused and they began to blame Japanese Prime Minister Aso. In 2010, the Democratic Party of Japan had come to power instead of the Liberal Democrats. Most voters looked to the Democratic Party of Japan and this revolution. But it was failure and the Liberal Democrats had returned to power again in 2013. After this returning, Japanese economy is now recovering steadily.
The similar is now happening in Spain. People in Spain must be angry to arrogance of politician. But they must be keeping cool. They must judge the agenda of newer party coolly.

Two Cuban dissidents concede defeat in local elections

In the last class, we discussed the issue “The Cuban dissidents concede defeat in local elections”.
The two men, Mr.Chaviano, who is an independent journalist and lawyer, and Mr.Lopez, who is a member of an outlawed political party, tried to stand for places on local councils in Havana. In those days, people said that it was impossible because of the Cuba’s current single party electoral system.
Due to their accurate strategy, they were selected in a local neighborhood meeting after the first round.
The final round was a secret voting. So they thought “We have to take advantage. No one expects us to be nominated and become candidates.” And they emphasized that they will oversee the local matters such as water supplies. Because of their appeal, half of the members the National Assembly was nominated by the provincial assemblies. President Raul Castro was surprised by this result and they began introducing gradual and wide-ranging economics reform.

In the latest news, we can feel that Cuba is trying to improve their relationships with the foreign countries. Last month, the President of the US and President of Cuba shook their hands. It is said that this is a historical scene.
Or Cuban government started admitting the baseball players to play in Japan. I think the purpose of this aim is to obtain much money of the rich foreign countries. It is often said that most of the people in Cuba are very poor. The chief industry of Cuba is still agriculture, mainly sugar. It is monocultural economics, so it may be influenced by a recession.
I think Cuba’s government is bothered about this fact, so they are trying to change their Establishment. The issue indicated in this article is one of the beginning of Cuba’s “New Revolution”.