VW’s illegal software


Following the scandal of Volkswagen’s illegal software so-called “defeat device” that misrepresents the amount of emission, Volkswagen is now investigating other types of engines. The suspicious type is older version of an engine called EA288. The engines firstly uncovered by the US’s EPA are called “EA189” and Volkswagen said 11 million diesel cars have this engine. This incident is also the subject of criminal investigation and some European countries’ regulators started it. Volkswagen set aside 6.5 billion Euros to cope with this series of incident but some analysts say this will be not enough.



We can see this type of scandal everywhere. Also in Japan, TV news and newspapers are telling new findings about a scandal concerning a tilted apartment in Yokohama city. As for these scandals, companies got involved have to investigate and explain the truth sincerely even though they directly have nothing to do with cause of problem or they are not legally responsible for that problem or it’s not caused by instructions of executives. Everyone might think it’s obvious thing. But some companies fail to do this. In the case of TAKATA’s defected airbag, firstly it said the number of the defected airbags is limited and it refused to recall these airbags because they don’t have legal responsibility to do so. After that, however, the number of it is surged and as a result, it completely lost credit from customers and is about to go bankrupt. Though it is still unclear whether this VW ‘s scandal is caused by instructions of executives or not, all VW have to do now is not to make excuses but just to reveal information to customers.

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