We have to take care about eating processed meats.


WHO announced that processed meats did cause cancer if you ate 50g of processed meat everyday and the risks of causing cancer increased by 18%.

The risks of eating processed meats have placed in same category with plutonium and alcohol. However it doesn’t mean that they have same dangerous.

This announcement doesn’t force you to stop eating processed meats but if you want to decrease the risk of cancer, you had better refrain from eating them.



When I heard this news, I thought that eating processed meat was no problem. Before this announcement released, many people ate a lot of processed meat and had a lot of happiness. If processed meat have serious dangerous, almost all people have been killed by cancer now, but actually, people are living with happiness of eating them now. It means that processed meat have less dangerous, so we need not stop to eat processed meat.

Besides, I think that this WHO’s announcement will create another problem which is that people are going to stop eating processed meat and processed meat will be sold less. It means that a dairy farmer will get a big shock and be bankrupt, so I think that official organization like WHO have to have a responsibility for their announcement.

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