Burma riots:Muslim gold shop workers jaild

This sentence it is written about the religious conflict in Myanmar. There are Muslims and Buddhists in Myanmar. I live in Japan. Therefore, I did not know that the country is caught up in religious strife. Muslims were kicked out of home by conflict.Many people lost their lives by conflict. Freedom of religion should be recognized. It was a fight that occurred in one of the town, but it also extends to other town. Is it not possible to respect the religion of each other.
Because the majority is Buddhist, Muslim shoulders are narrow. It’s persecution rather than say religion conflict. It is not recognized as a national as fact. It has been much dispute for a long time. Myanmar, as well as neighboring countries also a unstable. Myanmar government does not know the ultimate solution.Myanmar has progressed to democratization. But, there are a lot of problems such as religious strife. Myanmar government should find a fundamental solution. We are waiting for the new measures. And I pray the unity to meet the international community.

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