Take your neighbour’s advice on everything else but medicine

1. Summary
When people have a medical problem, they often visit their neighbor, friend or relative, not an expert. This is because they have a financial problem or are simply lazy. The advice about a medical problem suggested by non-experts may do more harm than good. People often misunderstand they can solve their medical problem by themselves.
However, a certain medicine works well for someone, it does not mean it will be effective for everyone. People should be careful medical problems requires expertise.

2. Opinion
In some countries, when people have a medical problem, they often ask their neighbor, friend or relative for a advice. The reason for this is they cannot afford to visit a doctor. In other words, people cannot gain medical expertise because of a financial problem. As a result, they often suffer from side effects of the medicine. In my opinion, this problem may be caused by not thorough social welfare systems. The Government should establish the system everyone can receive medical service regardless of being well off or not well off. For example, in UK people can receive medical services free of charge, for the reliable medical insurance system is established.
However, there is another problem. It takes a lot of taxes to establish reliable social welfare systems. The revenue is limited. Therefore, the Govenment should consider the balance between revenue and expenditure, and prioritize what is most beneficial to everyone.

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