The supreme court in Honduras has ordered arrest on Tudesday of the vice-president of Congress, Lena Gutierrez, over a corruption scandal


Lena Gutierrezz is vice-president of Congress in Honduras. The supreme court in Honduras has ordered arrest of her on Tuesday. It is because she has denied any wrongdoing.The scandal has trigged large anti-corruption protests in the streets of the capital Tegucigalpa.The head of the supreme court had ordered arrest of Ms Gutierrez and more than dozen other people,including her father and two of her brothers, allegedly linked to the scandal.They are suspected of having links to a company which allegedly  embezzled the state by selling it poor quality medicine at inflated prices.In Honduras, they called for the resignation of president. The president has come under fire for a separate corruption scandal which involves alleged fraud in Honduras’  social security system.


I think that the what the supreme court in Honduras did is correct.It is because the responsibilty of congress is heavy. So, it is right to punish Ms Gutierrez and her father and two brothers. A lot of people in Honduras have protested. I think it is important for nations to have will and advocate own opinion. In conclusion, the responsibility of congress is heavy and we have to have will.


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