The advantages of biofabrication

I have had no doubt about killing animals for food and clothing before watching this video.  I realize the seriously of this problem now. We maintain a global herd of 60 billion animals to provide our meat, dairy, eggs and leather goods now. To maintain herd of animals has bad influences on environment. For example, gobal warming, diseases  and oportunities for harm and abuse.

In this video, biofabrication was introduced. Biofabrication is technology that grow  logical  products like tissues and organs by cells themselves. It enables to get leather and meat without killing animals.

I think biofabrication is good way to solve these problems and should be promoted by governments for three reasons.

First, biofabrication has no bad influences on environment. To maintain herd of animals causes a lot of problems. So, I think biofabrication is important for us to survive.

Second, biofablication makes it possible to prevent illegal hunt. Today, there are a lot of illegal hunts to get leather or meat and many animals are threatened by extinction in the world. We can get meat and leather without killing animals. So, I think biofabrication can help animals from illegal hunt.

Third, biofablication can be used for medicine. There are a lot of people who suffer from diseases.  Biofabrication makes it possible to make tissues and organs by cells themselves. I think the problem of organ transplant will be solved by biofabrication in the future. So, I think biofabrication can solve not only problems of animals but also problems of human.

Of   course, I think biofabrication has problems. I will tell you one of them.

Biofabrication is cutting-edge technology and costs a great deal. Though biofabrication is need for developing countries, it is difficult for them to use it.We sould make efforts to reduce expenses. And government should promote biofabrication.

In conclusion, I think biofabrication makes it possible to solve these problems and shold be promoted by governments.VOICE_20150719_2155~01

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