Man Charged With Intentionally Killing Bild Eagles with His Truck in Alaska

It is a misdemeanor to kill Bald Eagles not only in Alaska but also in the United States. They were taken out from the Endangered Species List of America. However, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act keep them under the protection. The other day, the man intentionally ran over some bald eagles on an Alaska roadway. He killed them by his company’s car. So authorities could arrest him by the logo on his car.

I can’t believe his terrible deed. The last September, so cute a dog came my house. From then, I like animals so much. So I can’t understand the mentalities of such a people. Also, killing the bald eagles is the federal crime. Furthermore, he did it by his company’s car. It’s too risky to break a law. I want to know his motive for killing animals and committing a crime by risky way. By the way, in Japan, a man abused his dog and recorded that the other day. The girl whom he got acquainted with on the Internet said him she wanted to see the animal cruelty movie. Indeed, the girl was three boys and the uploaded it on Youtube. When I saw that movie on TV news, I really feel pity for the dog. And after that, I decided to more cherish my dog.

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